lundi 4 mars 2013

Such Friendly People- USA

Well, we all know that in all countries there are plenty of people that are decidedly un-friendly, but from the point of view of a tourist, I can confirm that – along with Australia – Amercians are friendly, cheerful and polite.
I suppose because we live in Europe – and thence spend most of the year in Europe – it particularly strikes us when we come to America.  The Bulgarians are very grumpy and rude people, I suppose because of their pre-Cold War heritage.  The Swedish can be dour people.  The English are generally pleasant and fairly easy to get talking to but there is nothing quite as dreadful as the British drunk when he is abroad. Italians are also friendly and cheerful but what mad and noisy drivers!  The French know nothing – but nothing! – about good customer service, so I do appreciate it when we come to the USA.

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