mercredi 30 janvier 2013

Why you do not lose weight

I have only just worked it out – it is because of that myth that if you feel hungry your body instantly starts storing fat!   So what do we do ? – we quickly eat a biscuit rather than allow our bodies to start storing.
But the biscuit contains more calories than fat the body would have stored.  So it is a nonsense.  Even an apple contains (depending on the size of the apple) 80 calories, and it would take your body a full hour to even begin to start storing 80 calories’ worth of fat.  If you absolutely must swallow something, make it black tea or coffee, a glass of water or of skimmed milk
If you want to lose weight it is very simple:-
- go on line and find a calorie counter, and a chart for what your intake should be, given your age and your build
- if that chart tells you that for your age and build you should not consume more than (for example) 1200 calories a day, then that it what it is.  If you go over that YOU PUT ON WEIGHT.  If you stay under that YOU LOSE WEIGHT.
- count any extra exercise you take as a bonus; do not try to enter that in to the equation because there are so many variants – your version of walking fast may be very different from mine, for example.  But know that if you take exercise too, you will lose weight a bit faster
- keep your tummy tucked in !  Just holding your tummy in all day every day is equivalent to doing twenty sit-ups a day
- move with alacrity!   Every little helps (but keep under your calorie max. too) – take the steps two at a time, walk that bit faster, hoover a bit more vigourously
- know in advance that you will not see results for several weeks, so don’t be disappointed.  Just keep at it.
- if you fall by the wayside, never mind, just start again urgently
- all those little things make all the difference in the world – a salad dressing does not have to have oil in it (I use parsley and balsamic vinegar), porridge is fine without sugar, tea is fine without milk, drain the oil off those sardines first, cook your meat slowly without oil (it contains enough fat to cook in), spread butter and jam very thinly …. and so on.
- know in advance that you will need to keep up this new way of eating and moving FOREVER
PS    Wine ? Oh no, wine contains no calories whatsoever.  ’Course not.

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