All three of my children suffered bullying at school, though mercifully in moderate forms. All three were (and are) strong personalities who were able to step aside from it to an extent. All three also kept it more-or-less to themselves for a long time. This told me two things – one was that there was an element of fear in that, if they told, the situation would get worse and two, that they felt issue could not anyway be resolved. I tried to comfort myelf with the thought that if it were that bad, they’d react … but unhappily it doesn’t work that way, and a long time can go by before a parent realizes their child is being bullied.
The fact that bullies are invariably “inadequate” people is no comfort at all.
Our case was exaccabated by two things – I was a working mother and, although I was devoted (and still am!) to my babies, I was nonetheless very very busy. Secondly, the staff at the respective schools had not only not noticed anything but also didn’t care at all.
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